Thursday, February 27, 2014

Funny Friday Photos and the (Almost) 300 Likes Giveaway

Happy Friday to you!

I'm going to remember this when I get discouraged. Maybe I should just buy my own bunny.

Anyway, the weekend is upon us. Because I almost reached 300 followers on my Facebook Author Page (298) I am having a giveaway this weekend! Late Saturday I'll randomly draw four names out of the followers list to give away three owl necklaces and one owl ring.

If you want to get in on the giveaway, just go follow my Facebook Author Page before 8pm EST on Saturday. Also to celebrate, I'm having a free weekend for Finding Meara, so if you haven't gotten the book yet and would like to try it without any risk, go to the Amazon page Saturday or Sunday and download it!

Oh, and next Wednesday, March 5th, I'll be interviewed via twitter chat by Kasie Whitener of Wordsmith Studio. If you want to talk books and writing with us, we'll start at 9pm EST, with the hashtag #wschat.

All right! Last week's funniest photo was:

And now to find some new photos!

Yummy. Nope - actually that would be repulsive. Not guacamole. I like guacamole. It's whatever is in the water that's gross.

I love forehead kisses. 

This would totally freak me out. It brings back memories of when my sister and cousin thought sticking a knife murderer style into my shower - when I thought I was home alone - was funny. That was the first time in my life I can say I screamed a blood-curdling scream. The second involves my father and aliens... Welcome to my family. I did forgive them all, by the way.

I think this is amazing! Next week I'll share some knitting news in regards to the Adven books. Are you curious now?

This one has begged to be included for two weeks, so I gave up this time. It's so child/parent-ish.

It's the expression. You know what just happened...

Pretty much my reaction to every failed dream/daydream that I've had. Time for a bunny.

Ah, no. How I feel when I check my stats on Amazon. Then see the picture above.

And the pun:

Birds of Pray.

Well, that's it for this week. I hope we all have a wonderful weekend, because I'm sure we all deserve it!  I think my favorite is the dog in the car. 

Do you have a favorite this week? Any fun weekend plans?


  1. I seriously have no favorite. All the animal ones made me laugh, or go aaaaahhhhhh.

    I will say about the freaky cat... About 50% of the time I take pictures of our dog, her eyes look like that. And unfortunately photo editing only has red eye correction, not freaky green eye correction. It only happens when she's looking directly at the camera, but not always. Sometimes she's looking directly and they don't do that. So who knows.

  2. As a non-cat lover, I liked the cat and the cactus best.

  3. I like The Big Bang Theory picture sequence. That's just funny. :) I hope you had a great week!

  4. I liked your author page (of course). And that bunny was soooo cute. Maybe that's the next pet I should get!

  5. I need a bunny -- or to stop looking at my stats on Amazon.... My fave is the two kittens!

  6. I always love all the pics--and your captions. The bunnies earned an aw, and so did the kittens. I think I'm all for warm and fuzzy this weekend.


I'd love to hear your thoughts! Please leave your comments below.


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