Monday, January 30, 2012

Which Is It? Gullible or Imaginative?

"The most imaginative people are the most credulous, for them anything is possible." Alexander Chase

I would love to take a poll of writers, and see how many of us consider ourselves gullible.  I know I fit into that category.  Just yesterday I read a sign on Pinterest that said something like “Say orange slowly and it will sound like banana” or some such absurd thing.

Sadly, yep, you got it.
Photo Courtesy of Basketman

I had to try it out before I realized what exactly was going on.  Thank God it was only me, in my mind, on the couch, in my own living room.  Being gullible isn’t so bad if you can pretend it never happened.

I have been fascinated about the imagination since I wrote the guest post for the World of My Imagination about how I scared myself by writing about aliens.  (If you want to read it, go here)  I never realized before then how imagination affects even our day to day life.  We can’t conceive of the world around us without it.

According to Alexander Chase, we’re not gullible, we’re just credulous.

Doesn't that sound so much better?  

Our active imaginations allow us to conceive of any possibility being real.

It’s why we can look at any ordinary object and ask “What if…” and come up with a zillion different answers. 

It’s why we can scare ourselves when we write about things that are freaky. (Have you seen those grey aliens with the big, black, almond-shaped eyes?!)  

It is why we can dream up worlds, and characters, and alternate realities.  

It's why we can write.

At least, that's my story... And I'm sticking to it!

Have you ever been accused of being gullible?  


  1. I'm my first commenter! I just wanted to say "hi" and "welcome" to Teresa! Thanks so much for joining the group over here at MfC!

  2. I, uh...don't get it. hahaha. Maybe I really am gullible and clueless because the banana orange thing makes no sense to me. LOL.

    I haven't been accused of it, but I do remember taking this IQ test one time and going on for ages, before I realised if you were REALLY smart you would have realised it was an endless test about an hour ago ;)

    1. I hate those kinds of things! That's what the orange/banana thing was. You just keep saying it until you realize it's not ever going to happen, and you were, well, gullible. I'm embarrassed now just talking about it...

  3. I've never beem accused of being gullible, but family has hinted I might be a touch crazy for writing all my stories. People wonder where my characters come from, and yes, it's imagination. I don't know what I'd do without it! I grew up a rather lonely child, didn't have many friends, so now I've got tons of them. (In my mind, anyway...)

    1. Imagination is a wonderful thing. I always wanted to have an imaginary friend growing up, but for some reason never could. I had a friend who did, though. I was jealous!

  4. Well, if the shoe fits...

    I'll admit it. I said, orange, out loud. A few times. All the while thinking I would just play along and see why. Then it struck ~ dumbstruck, really. I am SO gullible, it's ridiculous.

    I like to call it, Trusting. I also like to think of this curse, as possessing the keen ability to make others laugh. To be honest, I wouldn't change it. I guess you're right, there is something about my curiosity, my "anything is possible" mentality, I guess, that leads me to believe that if you say, Orange enough times, you will hear Banana. As a writer, if I'm decent, I could possibly make a reader believe that they should too. And... that aliens might just fly out of their butt if they don't. *wink*

    1. Trusting - yep, that is a nicer way of looking at it. I don't really mind being gullible, either. It does seem to be linked to that dreamer quality that I enjoy. :)

  5. Lara, you made me chuckle with the line about scaring yourself with your own story. But don't feel bad. I heard a news story about snakes and I had to check around the bedroom to make sure all was safe. Gullible or credulous? Maybe it's a little bit of both.

    1. Did you happen to read the post? It really is one of my favorites - I'm kind of wishing I kept it over here!

  6. This totally made my day. I am totally NOT gullible, only credulous! YES! Finally, an explanation I can live with. I would have done the same thing with the banana/orange thing. *sigh* It's just because we're awesome, right? Cause we can find possibility in anything!

    1. Absolutely because we're awesome! And because we're optimists, too! Obviously, to be optimistic, you have to believe in the possibility that everything is going to be good, nice and/or okay. Long live the gullible people!

  7. LOL. Yeah, I'm probably pretty gullible sometimes. I much prefer "imaginative" though.

    1. Imaginative has a better ring to it. "Gullible" is so negative, and seems equated with "stupid." Imaginative, trusting or credulous are positive qualities, I do believe. :)

  8. Hey Lara,

    I'm with you.... writer's have been gifted (cursed?... nah, gifted:) with *huge* imaginations... I could never be a cab driver, but I have a buddy who LOVES his job...

    So, two extra helpings of imaginative for me and hold off on the side of gullible :)

  9. I wonder who deals out the gullible? Maybe there's a imaginative to gullible ratio? Hmm...

  10. I don't get called gullible much, but as an Aquarius, I'm labeled eccentric a lot. I don't mind. My eccentricity helps my writing.

    1. I think eccentricity (and all those other unique qualities we have) make life interesting, personally. I don't know if you watch Spongebob, but they have a show where Spongebob tries to round out his square edges, and be "normal." It's a great show. He decides normal is boring and tries to reverse the "normal" process. It was cute.

  11. I am so gullible. Very trusting :)

    And imaginative ;)

    1. I think the unofficial poll would say you're in good writer-ly company!

  12. You made me feel so much better about being gullible! ;) New follower here, glad I found your blog!

    1. Welcome! I feel happy, knowing I have performed a public service for all those who are gullible - myself, included! :)


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